Challenge Enterprises, a leading organization dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities, recently participated in a beach cleanup event sponsored by the Penn State Jacksonville Alumni Association. The event, held on a sunny Saturday morning, brought together volunteers from Challenge Enterprises and the Penn State Alumni – JAX Chapter.
The beach cleanup was not just about environmental stewardship but also about community engagement and support. What made this event especially meaningful for Challenge Enterprises was the opportunity to involve their friends and family. Greg Voss, COO of Challenge Enterprises and a parent of a child with special needs, highlighted the importance of such initiatives.
“As a parent, I recognize the invaluable support and opportunities that Challenge Enterprises provides to individuals like my son Gabriel. We are thrilled to have been a part of this initiative that not only benefits our environment but also supports a cause close to our hearts,” said Greg Voss.
The success of the beach cleanup wouldn’t have been possible without the support and collaboration of key individuals and groups. Challenge Enterprises COO Greg Voss, VP of Services Nichole Redgate, Project Manager Rebecca McQuaig, Club Challenge members, and the Penn State Alumni – JAX Chapter worked diligently to make the event a success.
Their dedication and commitment to community service set an inspiring example for others to follow. Challenge Enterprises continues to demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact not only in the lives of individuals with different abilities but also in the communities it serves.