Empowering People
with Different Abilities
Work Opportunities and Sustainability
for Individuals Living with Different Abilities
Providing Persons
with Different Abilities
the Opportunity to Live a Productive, Active, and Rewarding Life

Who We Are

Challenge Enterprises of North Florida, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides adult day training, residential services, and employment opportunities for adults with different abilities. 

Our support programs are available to individuals with intellectual, physical, and developmental disabilities, while staff assists families in navigating Florida’s eligibility for services. We are committed to providing great leadership, advocacy, and security to help our participants achieve their best quality of life.

“We believe that there are
opportunities for all persons who
seek a better quality of life.”

-Katie Vineyard – Challenge Enterprises CEO

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Number of people with different abilities employed

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Number of hours worked

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Wages Earned

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Number of new hires

This vital work could not be done without the generous contributions of our supporters. Challenge Enterprises needs your support to ensure we can continue our efforts.


Our programs are designed to empower persons with different abilities to realize their own life ambitions and turn these goals into reality.


Challenge Enterprises is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage people with disabilities to apply.