Red Star

Challenge Enterprise Participates in Giving Tuesday Now

Acts of Kindness and Giving Back Still Prevail


Around the world, people are finding creative ways to support the people who are on the front lines of fighting COVID-19. Challenge Enterprise answered the call for help when there were shelves to be stocked, public spaces to be sanitized and masks to be sewed. 

Challenge Enterprises Giving Tuesday Flyer

The coronavirus will not deter Challenge Enterprises’ efforts, despite having to cancel our monthly bingo and spring fundraising events. The coronavirus will not stop our commitment to promoting the power of people and possibilities, even with funding cuts during COVID. Those who depend on us most cannot wait for “normalcy” to arrive. We will not rest while those living with disabilities await our support during this difficult time of isolation. But we are not sitting idle and never will as long as we can create opportunities for meaningful employment and inclusion.

That’s why Challenge Enterprises is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5th. #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

Even in times of crisis, our work is desperately needed. Your support is appreciated now more than ever. The need for employment opportunities and inclusion still remains for individuals living with disabilities, and Challenge Enterprises is here to continue the good fight! The individuals living with differences awaiting our help are counting on us.

Please consider making a gift to Challenge Enterprises to help our community when they need it most. All donations are tax-deductible, and 100% of funds go directly to those in need.
